Tennis4All Board elections

Tennis4All Members:
REMINDER: It’s that time of the year again!  Please let us know if you are interested in joining the Tennis4All Board.

If you are a current member of Tennis4All and interested in running for one of the 12 board member positions, please e-mail your interest to by Sunday, August 30th, 2020. Depending on the number of candidates, you may be asked to provide a brief paragraph (fewer than 150 words please) explaining who you are and why you want to hold a position. The final list of candidates will be announced and all members will have an opportunity to vote via e-mail if we have more than 12 candidates.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact me or any of the current board members:

Thank you!

Cliff Gibbons
Tennis4All Clerk

Interested in the 2020-21 Tennis4All Board???

Tennis4All Members:
It’s that time of the year again!  Please let us know if you are interested in joining the Tennis4All Board.

It was a challenging year due to the pandemic, so we are looking to re-energize our group to improve our core activities while finding new ways to connect with the LGBT+ tennis community.  We can only do this with the support and guidance of our volunteer board members.

Do YOU have thoughts on how to make Tennis4All more fun and offer great events??  Well, then put your name in the hat and join the board ? The board members are chiefly responsible for planning and managing the various year-round activities (i.e., singles league, doubles league, ladders, socials, team tennis, BTC tournament, etc.) and setting goals on how to improve the organization for years to come.

If you are a current member of Tennis4All and interested in running for one of the 12 board member positions, please e-mail your interest to by Sunday, August 30th, 2020. Depending on the number of candidates, you may be asked to provide a brief paragraph (fewer than 150 words please) explaining who you are and why you want to hold a position. The final list of candidates will be announced and all members will have an opportunity to vote via e-mail if we have more than 12 candidates.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact me or any of the current board members:

Thank you!

Cliff Gibbons
Tennis4All Clerk

Fall Singles League – Register Now!


After a COVID-induced hiatus, I am delighted to share with you the details of the Fall 2020 Singles Season by Tennis4All!  

The details are as follows:

  • This season will consist of 15 weeks, from September 13, 2020 through December 20, 2020. There will not be any weeks where there are no scheduled matches. All scheduled matches will be on Sundays at 6PM.
  • The cost will be $210 for the season.
  • Each participant will be scheduled to play at least 9 matches.
  • We are maxed out at 46 participants.
    • We encourage participants to sign up as soon as possible.
  • Registration will open on Saturday, August 8 and will remain open until the earlier of (a) member capacity is reached or (b) Monday, August 17.
  • We will be sending a reminder email to our membership each day registration is open.  In advance, we ask for your patience and understanding regarding multiple emails; these reminders are vital to both reaching our capacity and keeping the league successful and competitive.
  • Everyone will be allowed to request up to 2 Sundays off, and we will do our absolute best to accommodate those requests. 
  • We will be instituting new COVID-19 safety procedures including a BYOB (bring your own balls!) policy, and other steps to ensure social distancing. 
  • Please note that Winchester Tennis Club has clear rules related to COVID-19 (temperate taken at the door, locker rooms closed, mask requirement, no lingering in the lobby). These must be followed by all participants. 

How to sign up:

  1. Go to the Tennis4All website by clicking HERE.
  2. Verify your membership is up-to-date.  If you are not sure if it is up-to-date, please email your Membership Director, Brian Bartoloni, at  
  3. Click the big blue “Sign Up!” button at the bottom.
  4. Complete the application.
  5. Submit payment.
  6. Please note that all three of the following must be successfully completed to be considered registered:  (a) membership up-to-date; (b) application submitted; and (c) payment received.  If you have any questions/concerns, please reach out to Kyle Poyar at

If you’re interested in being a substitute, please email Kyle at and I’ll add you to the list.

I (Kyle Poyar) and John Costello will be the directors of the singles season.

As always, if you have any questions/concerns, please let me know.


Summer Ladder Extension!

A very brief update to let you know that we have decided to Extend the Challenge Ladder Season to Sunday September 27. Along with that, it is still Totally fine to join now! It costs only $10 to participate. Plenty of time and nice weather to play on. Visit the challenge ladder page/rules etc to find out how it works and send me an email if you have questions.



E ‘n E!

Greetings Ladder Participants!

A brief update to let you know that Dan Ehrlich defeated Conor McCormack last night in a riveting 3 set match to take over the top spot on the Standings Ladder.

And Scott Enos continues to impress with his Constant match play, thus taking over the top spot over on Point Ladder.

Well done, Gentlemen with last name E!

Movement abounds here and there on the ladder, check out the standings to see for yourself.

August arrives at the end of the week and there is still a lot of Time left to make your move!

Its hot out there folks. Hydrate. Reach high. But don’t hibernate. Its on!

As always,

-Commissioner Longlegs




Take a Rung! Join the Ladder!

Hey folks!
your long legged ladder Facilitator here, happy to report that after our initial invite last week, the ladder is 17 players strong and…there is still room! In fact, the ladder extends as long as needed to accommodate all! All info there on home page. 10 bucks for the whole shapoopie and official challenge matches begin June 8!
Also know you can join Any time this summer if you’d like to wait a bit.

Membership Fee Extension

Hi Tennis4All Members!

Tennis4All memberships have been extended, free of charge, until June 1, 2021. You will not have to renew your membership to join the summer challenge ladder.

Speaking of the summer challenge ladder, if you are interested please sign up on the Tennis4All website.

Tennis courts are back open so get your matching outfits ready and get your grunt on! Oh wait, that’s just me!

Brian Bartoloni, Membership Director, Tennis4All



LADDER 2020!

Registration now up on home page (10 bucks!) for Summer Challenge Ladder 2020. A few new rules you will see related to social distancing but yeah, it’s on! The weather is gorge and the ladder awaits your arrival. Will you take a rung? Will you win a prize?

Dust off that racket and join the Summer Ladder. Nice way to meet some new peeps.

I am your host, Doug Lockwood. I also play. Tennis. See you out there. Re-read all the rules, new and old and remember, its all about having some fun and getting some exercise.

To give you some time to get your strokes back, the ladder will start on Monday, June 8. Enjoy!!