August is Upon-us!

Greetings Challenge Ladder Athletes of the World!

An update.

August is here and while some things change, some things stay the same on the ladder.

Up top, it is still Tang, Houlden and Krasikov holding the #1, #2 and #3 positions. But will Krasikov’s extended vacay render him rusty upon return? Time will tell.

Wu and Grosdidier have been making major strides up the ladder…can they make it all the way to the top?

On the Points Ladder, it is a tie for the top 2, with Coombs and Wu and Jackson is looming just one point below. Remember, the top 2 on the points ladder will receive Extravagant prizes!

Some very close scores of late: Jackson over Lalli, Coombs over Wu and Grosdidier over McDonough being especially close.

The ladder goes until the end of September so it is not too late to make your run! I know its hot (!) but hydrate and play early or late if you can.

Let me know if you have any questions or if I have failed you in some way.

I worked on my second serve today after double faulting an entire game away on Tuesday night. What are you doing for YOUR second serve?



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