Weekend Tennis Camp – Aug 6 to 8

Tired of your backhand volley? Wish you could serve like Serena? Join Tennis4All for a weekend tennis camp August 6-8 at the Cliff Drysdale Tennis School at Stratton Mountain in southern Vermont. You’ll get 6 hours of tennis drills & instruction in one weekend including a private lesson. All while hanging out in the Green Mountains of Vermont in the summer. Get more info and register for the weekend at Weekend Tennis Getaway

Weekend Tennis Getaway Aug 6-8

How would you like to improve your tennis game while hanging out with your Tennis4All friends in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont? Tennis4All is excited to announce our Weekend Tennis Getaway at Stratton Mountain August 6-8. The weekend will include 7.5 hours of tennis, including two 2.5-hour group clinics, a 1-hour private lesson, and a 90 minute round robin mixer on Friday evening. And if you can handle that much tennis, there is also a bonus option to compete in a ProAm tournament Saturday afternoon with 4-person team including a tennis pro.

All members and tennis levels are welcome. Spots will be filled on a first come, first served basis; registration and full payment confirms your spot. For more information and to register, see Weekend Tennis Getaway

Tennis4All Membership Renewal Reminder

Hi Tennis4All members!

For those who have already renewed their membership prior to the June 1st date, thank you!!!

This is just a reminder for those who have not renewed your membership for June 1st. You can still log into the Tennis4All website, but you will no longer have access to members-only pages…such a member directory, summer doubles and challenge ladder.
This is also a reminder that if you signed up for the summer challenge ladder you must renew your membership as well…don’t make me hunt you down!

We had about 200 members prior to June 1st and about half have renewed already.

So what are you waiting for! Log into the website Tennis4All.org , click on membership and for just $35 you’re good for another year!


Brian Bartoloni

Membership Director


The Ladder is Up and Running!

This will be my last message to the whole membership for a while.

I did want to let everyone know that you may join the ladder ANY TIME this summer. So, if June is a little too soon for whatever reason, join us in July or August. There is always space for you on the ladder.

Official matches may begin this Monday the 24th of May and the ladder goes to September 26. Review the rules around who you can challenge etc.

Report scores to me and please make sure to make it clear Who challenged Who initially as that makes a difference in points. (you get 2 for initiating a challenge and 1 for saying Yes)



Membership Renewal

Hi Tennis4All members,

It is that time of year, time to renew your Tennis4All membership! Your current membership ends May 31st. We did waive membership renewal last year due to COVID-19 given that we could not host league play and other events.

However, we just wrapped up a successful singles league season and are about to kick off both summer doubles and the challenge ladder. Unfortunately the Boston Tennis Classic this summer was canceled, BUT we are hoping to put together a T4All tournament at Harvard University later this summer.

Lots of upcoming tennis action so it is important to renew your membership. Members will have access to singles league, doubles league, socials, challenge ladder, Atlantic Cup (hopefully happening later this year in Philadelphia!) plus other exciting events in the works.

For those who already renewed your membership with sign up for summer doubles or the challenge ladder, thank you…you do not need to renew until June 1, 2022

For everyone else please renew your membership over the next few weeks so you stay on the email list for communications for all T4All events. Just go to Tennis4All.org, log in, click the members tab and you will see a link to renew your membership. The price is still just $35 for your yearly membership.

Thank you!

Brian Bartoloni

Membership Director



The Ladder Turns 21 and is still Growing!

I am pleased to announce that the Summer Challenge Ladder is already chock full of players, 21 current rungs are taken and there is always room for more!

A couple of reminders, as per the rules: you may challenge anyone who is 6 places above you or 4 places below you at the time of the challenge. I put that in italics because sometimes someone might end up dropping or rising and look to be ‘out of range’ by the time you play, so the important part is that at the time of the challenge, you are in each other’s range.

One thing I see that is NOT on the official rules is that there is no official rule about a third set. What I have found best is to speak with your opponent before the match begins and decide in advance what you’ll do if you split the first two sets i.e. play a third OR play a 10 point super tie breaker. Once in a while you will not agree (one player prefers to play a third, the other a super tie) In that event, I have found ye’ old classic coin toss to be the decider. I also think if you are playing at a venue that seems busy, people are waiting etc…be kind and play a Super Tie breaker. Again, there is no official rule there but…

Happy weekend! Good weather to practice!


Ladder Up!

It’s that time of year again… the moment to join the 2021 Summer Challenge Ladder begins…NOW!

A current membership and $10 and you’re in! Bada bing!

read all you need to know here: http://tennis4all.org/summer-challenge-ladder/

See you out there on the courts of choice…and yes, you can expect to read Sassy weekly updates from me, trust.

Let me know if you have questions.

Doug-Sass Lockwood

Tennis Clinic THIS Saturday!!

Hi everyone,

We are excited to announce a tennis clinic THIS Saturday (4/24) from 6-8 PM at Sportsmen’s tennis club in Dorchester.

Cost is $65 per person and includes:

2 hours of instruction

Only 4 players per court, so great instructor to student ratios.

This is open to both tennis4all members and guests.

Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, players must wear masks during the clinic.

Click here to sign up!

Hope to see you THIS Saturday.

Tennis4All Board of Directors.

Registration NOW OPEN for 2021 Summer Doubles League!


The Tennis4All Board is delighted to share with you the details of the Summer 2021 Doubles Season!

If you are experiencing a financial hardship that would prevent you from participating, please let us know.  We may be able to provide assistance.

The details are as follows:

  • This season will consist of 12 weeks, from May 18 to August 10, 2021. There will not be any matches played on July 6.
  • All scheduled matches will be on Tuesdays from 7:00PM – 8:30PM at the Winchester Indoor Tennis Club.
  • Each team will be scheduled to play at least 9 matches, ideally 10.
  • We are maxed out at 36 participants or 18 teams. Should we reach capacity, we will have 3 divisions with 6 teams.
  • Registration will open on Sunday, April 18, 2021 and will remain open until the earlier of (a) member capacity is reached or (b) Sunday, May 2, 2021.
  • We will be sending a reminder email to our membership each day registration is open. In advance, we ask for your patience and understanding regarding multiple emails; these reminders are vital to both reaching our capacity and keeping the league successful and competitive.
  • Every team will be allowed to request up to 1 Tuesday off, and I will do my absolute best to accommodate those requests.
  • On the website, you will be able to choose your doubles partner. If you don’t have a specific partner, that’s okay; we’ll try to match you up with someone at your level based on availability.

How to sign up:

  1. Join Tennis4All or RENEW your membership for $35 at http://www.tennis4all.org/register/membership. You must have a 2021-2022 membership (which begins on June 1, 2021) to participate in the doubles league.  If you have further questions regarding membership, please email our Membership Director, Brian Bartoloni, at membership@tennis4all.org.  2020-2021 season memberships are not valid through the Summer 2021 Doubles Season, so please be sure to update your membership.
  2. Sign up for Summer Doubles for $130 at http://www.tennis4all.org/register/2021-summer-doubles-league/.
  3. Complete the application.
  4. Submit payment.
  5. Please note that all three of the following must be successfully completed to be considered registered: (a) membership up-to-date; (b) application submitted; and (c) payment received.  If you have any questions/concerns REGARDING REGISTRATION, please reach out to Mike Dineen at mike.dineen.t4a@gmail.com.

As always, if you have any questions/concerns ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN REGISTRATION, please let your Summer 2021 Doubles Season directors know.  This year they are as follows:


Tennis4All Board of Directors

TENNIS CLINIC April 24th from 6-8 PM

Hi everyone,

We are so pleased to be offering an ALL levels (Beginners encouraged!!) tennis clinic at Sportsmen’s Tennis Club in Dorchester on Saturday, April 24th from 6-8 PM.  You will receive 2 hours of instruction.

Cost per participant = $65

If you are experiencing a financial hardship and cannot afford this event, please reach out.

This clinic is open to both members and non-members.

Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 pandemic, participants must leave the facility immediately after the end of the clinic.  Masks must be worn at all times.

Click here to sign up!

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you on the 24th!!

Steve Menichetti


Board of Directors