Happy Holidays from Tennis4All

Tennis4All Friends and Family,

As the year comes to a close, we want to extend our warmest holiday wishes to each of our members! Tennis4All is more than just a bunch of backhands and forehands; it’s a community built on inclusivity, acceptance, and a shared love of the tennis. Each volley, lob, and occasional “oops” has made this community the special place that it is.

Earlier this month we held our annual Holiday Party, where we raised money for Sportsmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center. Sportsmen’s is an amazing organization that provides free and low-cost tennis, academics, and life skills to youth across the Boston area. If you’d like to contribute to the Tennis4All holiday donation, you may Venmo @tennis4all by December 31st, indicating the contribution is for Sportsmen’s; or you can always donate directly to Sportsmen’s here.

Thank you all for another wonderful year! Looking ahead to 2024, we’re sure it’s primed to be another year of laughs, wild rallies, and perhaps even a few epic tennis matches that will go down in Tennis4All history.

Warmest wishes,


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