Join us for a new event — a pickleball round robin. We’ll be hosting a new pickleball format once a month for the next three months: Saturday, Feb 22; Sat, March 29; and Sat, April 26. Sign up for any 1, 2, or all 3 round robins.
You’ll be one of 9 players on two indoor pickleball courts. Using the Swish app, you’ll be randomly assigned to a doubles game with a random partner against two random opponents. You’ll play one game and then rotate to the next game and a new partner and opponents. We’ll likely get through 7 rounds. (You’ll play 8/9 of the time and sit out for one of the rounds).
This event is for experienced pickleball players with a 3.0+ DUPR equivalent skill level.
Where: Woburn Racquet Club, indoor pickleball courts
When: Saturdays 4 to 6 pm (February 22, March 29, April 26)
How much: $23 per player
Food? Very light snacks (like chips and salsa) will be served after. Players are encouraged to bring a beverage and hang out after.
Where do I sign up? If attending more than one, you must sign up for each month separately.
Pickleball Round Robin – February