Sportsmen’s 2019 Tennis Ball

Hi Everyone!

On Friday, November 15th from 6-11pm Tennis4all will be getting a table at Sportsman’s annual Tennis Ball at Lombardo’s in Randolph.

Sportsmen’s mission is to build leaders on the court, in the classroom and in the greater community by providing academic, social development, health and wellness programs alongside recreational and competitive tennis instruction for youth and adults.

We have two tickets left for purchase for our table of 12 at $125 each.

Tennis4all has 2-3 socials at Sportsmen’s per year.  It is a special place, and we are happy to have Sportsmen’s as a partner.

Please let me know if you have any interest at or (617)-838-5279.




Steve Menichetti



March time 1:30 PM on Saturday!!

Hi everyone,

Anyone who is interested in marching with Tennis4all (the more, the merrier) should meet at 827 Boylston Street (Sir Speedy is your landmark) no later than 1:30 PM this Saturday 6/8.

Bring your tennis racquet as we plan on playing mini tennis and waving to the crowd with our racquets.

This is a great chance to promote the league, have fun, and be proud of who you are!!

We hope you can join us!!

A link to the Facebook event page is below.  Please check it for any updates.

Any questions?  (617)-838-5279.

Steve Menichetti

March with us June 8th!!

Hi Everyone,

Tennis4all will be marching in the pride parade ?️‍? on Saturday, June 8th.  We will know more about start time (sometime between 11am-1:30pm) and location (somewhere on Boylston street) on Wednesday or Thursday.

The weather forecast for Saturday is 75 and sunny ☀️.  Nice day for a stroll, perhaps?

ALL are welcome – we hope that you consider marching.   Let’s be proud of who we are as individuals and as an organization.

Below is a link to the event.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Steve Menichetti
