PLEASE READ: Sportsmen’s Fundraiser UPDATE

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update that we are two weeks into our fundraiser for Sportsmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center.  We have raised $2,225.00 so far!!

Thanks to all the members that have already donated.

Sportmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center in Dorchester (STEC) offers free and low-cost tennis, academics, and life skills programming to more than 5000 youth annually. Pioneering programs like Volley Against Violence and their Center for Community Wellness extends their outreach to Boston’s underserved communities. Adult recreational and competitive tennis programs welcome diverse players from all over the city and help fund their non-profit mission.

Please view the link below for a better idea of STEC’s impact on the disadvantaged populations that they serve

We hope that you consider donating to Sportsmen’s this holiday season.  We encourage you to make that donation on behalf of tennis4all.  If you wish to donate, please write a check made payable to STEC (Sportsmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center) and mail to:

Steve Menichetti
6 Mayhew Street #1
Dorchester, MA 02125

Please write “tennis4all” on the envelope or on the memo line of the check.

I will then take all the individual member donations to STEC and make one big donation on behalf of tennis4all.

You can also VENMO me (@SteveMenichetti) and put STEC in the subject line if that is easier for you than writing a check.  I can then get STEC to email an individual receipt for each  donation.

We have one week left in this fundraiser.  Will you help us get to $3,000.00 raised?

Thanks for considering, and happy holidays to you and your families.


Steve Menichetti

On behalf of the Tennis4All Board of Directors


Hi Everyone,

Details for our January tennis clinic are as follows:

Time – Sunday, January 9th from 2-4 PM

Location – Woburn Racquet Club, 9 Webster Street, Woburn, MA.

Format – 2 hours of instruction, all levels (BEGINNERS ENCOURAGED).

Price – $55 for NON-members.  $45 for tennis4all members.

Click here to sign up!


Steve Menichetti

on behalf of the Tennis4All Board of Directors.

PLEASE READ: Sportsmen’s Fundraiser UPDATE

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update that we are one week into our fundraiser for Sportsmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center.  We have raised $1,250.00 so far!!

Thanks to all the members that have already donated.

Sportmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center in Dorchester (STEC) offers free and low-cost tennis, academics, and life skills programming to more than 5000 youth annually. Pioneering programs like Volley Against Violence and their Center for Community Wellness extends their outreach to Boston’s underserved communities. Adult recreational and competitive tennis programs welcome diverse players from all over the city and help fund their non-profit mission.

Please view the link below for a better idea of STEC’s impact on the disadvantaged populations that they serve

We hope that you consider donating to Sportsmen’s this holiday season.  We encourage you to make that donation on behalf of tennis4all.  If you wish to donate, please write a check made payable to STEC (Sportsmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center) and mail to:

Steve Menichetti
6 Mayhew Street #1
Dorchester, MA 02125

Please write “tennis4all” on the envelope or on the memo line of the check.

I will then take all the individual member donations to STEC and make one big donation on behalf of tennis4all.

You can also VENMO me (@SteveMenichetti) and put STEC in the subject line if that is easier for you than writing a check.  I can then get STEC to email an individual receipt for each  donation.

Thanks for considering, and happy holidays to you and your families.


Steve Menichetti

On behalf of the Tennis4All Board of Directors

PLEASE READ: Fundraiser for Sportsman’s Tennis and Enrichment Center (STEC)

Hi Everyone,

With the holiday season upon us, we wanted to point out that one of our partner tennis clubs is in need of help.

Sportmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center in Dorchester (STEC) offers free and low-cost tennis, academics, and life skills programming to more than 5000 youth annually. Pioneering programs like Volley Against Violence and their Center for Community Wellness extends their outreach to Boston’s underserved communities. Adult recreational and competitive tennis programs welcome diverse players from all over the city and help fund their non-profit mission.

Please view the link below for a better idea of STEC’s impact on the disadvantaged populations that they serve

This past Saturday tennis4all had a 2 hour, sold-out tennis clinic at Sportsmen’s. We hope to do many more tennis4all activities at Sportsmen’s  in the months and years to come!

We hope that you consider donating to Sportsmen’s this holiday season.  We encourage you to make that donation on behalf of tennis4all.  If you wish to donate, please write a check made payable to STEC (Sportsmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center) and mail to:

Steve Menichetti
6 Mayhew Street #1
Dorchester, MA 02125

Please write “tennis4all” on the envelope or on the memo line of the check.

I will then take all the individual member donations to STEC and make one big donation on behalf of tennis4all.

PLEASE NOTE: No tennis4all member funds are being used for this fundraiser.  Just individual member contributions should you so choose:-).

You can also drop checks off at THIS THURSDAY’s (12/9) tennis4all holiday party at Blend in Dorchester from 6-8 pm to Steve Backhaus (Treasurer-Tennis4All) or myself.

Thanks for considering, and see you on the courts!


Steve Menichetti

On behalf of the Tennis4All Board of Directors

Tennis Clinic – ALL levels, Beginners Encouraged


Tennis4All is pleased to be able to offer an ALL level tennis clinic on Saturday, December 4th from 6 to 8 PM.

The cost for this clinic is $65 per person.  The clinic will take place at Sportsman’s Tennis Club in Dorchester.  The address is 950 Blue Hills Avenue in Dorchester.

If you are a true beginner that’s OK!!  We will have 1-2 courts of beginner instruction (depending on how many beginners sign up ).  And then other courts of instruction for more advanced players.

Click here to register.  We are limited to 16 players so sign up now!

Hope to see you on Saturday, 12/4!

Tennis4All Board of Directors

Tennis Clinic THIS Saturday!!

Hi everyone,

We are excited to announce a tennis clinic THIS Saturday (4/24) from 6-8 PM at Sportsmen’s tennis club in Dorchester.

Cost is $65 per person and includes:

2 hours of instruction

Only 4 players per court, so great instructor to student ratios.

This is open to both tennis4all members and guests.

Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, players must wear masks during the clinic.

Click here to sign up!

Hope to see you THIS Saturday.

Tennis4All Board of Directors.

Registration NOW OPEN for 2021 Summer Doubles League!


The Tennis4All Board is delighted to share with you the details of the Summer 2021 Doubles Season!

If you are experiencing a financial hardship that would prevent you from participating, please let us know.  We may be able to provide assistance.

The details are as follows:

  • This season will consist of 12 weeks, from May 18 to August 10, 2021. There will not be any matches played on July 6.
  • All scheduled matches will be on Tuesdays from 7:00PM – 8:30PM at the Winchester Indoor Tennis Club.
  • Each team will be scheduled to play at least 9 matches, ideally 10.
  • We are maxed out at 36 participants or 18 teams. Should we reach capacity, we will have 3 divisions with 6 teams.
  • Registration will open on Sunday, April 18, 2021 and will remain open until the earlier of (a) member capacity is reached or (b) Sunday, May 2, 2021.
  • We will be sending a reminder email to our membership each day registration is open. In advance, we ask for your patience and understanding regarding multiple emails; these reminders are vital to both reaching our capacity and keeping the league successful and competitive.
  • Every team will be allowed to request up to 1 Tuesday off, and I will do my absolute best to accommodate those requests.
  • On the website, you will be able to choose your doubles partner. If you don’t have a specific partner, that’s okay; we’ll try to match you up with someone at your level based on availability.

How to sign up:

  1. Join Tennis4All or RENEW your membership for $35 at You must have a 2021-2022 membership (which begins on June 1, 2021) to participate in the doubles league.  If you have further questions regarding membership, please email our Membership Director, Brian Bartoloni, at  2020-2021 season memberships are not valid through the Summer 2021 Doubles Season, so please be sure to update your membership.
  2. Sign up for Summer Doubles for $130 at
  3. Complete the application.
  4. Submit payment.
  5. Please note that all three of the following must be successfully completed to be considered registered: (a) membership up-to-date; (b) application submitted; and (c) payment received.  If you have any questions/concerns REGARDING REGISTRATION, please reach out to Mike Dineen at

As always, if you have any questions/concerns ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN REGISTRATION, please let your Summer 2021 Doubles Season directors know.  This year they are as follows:


Tennis4All Board of Directors

TENNIS CLINIC April 24th from 6-8 PM

Hi everyone,

We are so pleased to be offering an ALL levels (Beginners encouraged!!) tennis clinic at Sportsmen’s Tennis Club in Dorchester on Saturday, April 24th from 6-8 PM.  You will receive 2 hours of instruction.

Cost per participant = $65

If you are experiencing a financial hardship and cannot afford this event, please reach out.

This clinic is open to both members and non-members.

Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 pandemic, participants must leave the facility immediately after the end of the clinic.  Masks must be worn at all times.

Click here to sign up!

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you on the 24th!!

Steve Menichetti


Board of Directors

Tennis Clinic!

Hi Everyone,

The Tennis4All Board of Directors is pleased to announce a tennis clinic on Saturday, March 27th from 6-8 PM at Sportsmen’s Tennis Club in Dorchester.

The cost for this event is $60 per person and includes two hours of instruction.

ALL levels of play (including beginners) are welcome to attend the clinic.  No racquet? NO Problem!! Just let us know and we’ll bring extras ?.

The link to the event is Here:

Upcoming Events

The event is open to the first 15 people who PAY and SIGN UP.

Masks will be required for the entire event.

Participants ONLY – No spectators unfortunately until COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

Looking forward to seeing you on the courts!

Steve Menichetti

Tennis4All Board of Directors

Sportsmen’s Tennis Club NEEDS your Help!!

Hi everyone!!

I hope that all of you had a nice holiday season and are safe and healthy.

Sportsmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center is located in Dorchester, MA.  Sportsmen’s currently serves more than 5,000 young people and 1,000 adults annually.  They provide free programs for low-income families in the Blue Hill Corridor, which includes parts of Dorchester, Mattapan, Roxbury, Hyde Park, South Boston and Jamaica Plain.  94% are people of color, and 83% speak more than one language.

These neighborhoods have higher rates of chronic illnesses including diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and COVID-19, making their services vital.

Some tennis4all members (including yours truly) have donated towards the great work that Sportsmen’s is doing for our community.

If you are able, I hope that you’ll consider donating today.  Your gift today will help change the life of a young person.  Please mention that you are a member of tennis4all when you give.

The link to donate is:

Thanks and Happy New Year!! 2021 has GOT to be better!

Thank you,

Steve Menichetti

Tennis4all Boston Board of Directors